EME boss, Banky W replies to Samklef over royalties’ demand.
Singer, Banky W responds to Samklef, tells him to take his demand to Wizkid.
Take your demands to Wizkid, Banky W fires back Samklef
EME record label boss, Banky W, has told producer, Samklef, to demand his royalties from Wizkid.
Samklef had previously requested that Banky W pay him royalties for producing Big Wiz’s blockbuster song ‘Pakurumo,’ which was recorded while the singer was signed to EME.
Banky has ordered Samklef to contact Wizkid about the royalties, after the latter denied being a part of a royalty split sheet submitted by Samklef as evidence.
In the royalty split sheet shared by Samklef, the composers of the song were written as Wizkid and one Steve Michaels.
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Samklef stated that his name was changed to Steve Michaels and questioned Banky W’s role in the situation.
Banky, on the other hand, told Samklef that he had no idea who Steve Michaels was and that he had no claim to the royalties because his name and EME were not on the sheet.
Banky asked Samklef to take up his royalty claims with Wizzy and Sony, with whom Wizkid signed a contract after leaving EME, according to a screenshot supplied by Samklef.