It is exactly a year since the release of “The Live Report EP” by Nigerian rappers AQ and M.I Abaga.

Interestingly, we have decided to go down memory lane to revisit The Live Report EP performed by AQ and M.I Abaga as a joint project.
Notably, it is amazing how some artistes can stretch themselves at any length, precisely out of their comfort zone to produce good songs.
On the other hand, it’s remarkable when not one, but two artistes connect to create a project within 7 days, and still delivered!
Recall it all started with a tweet when M.I jokingly teased AQ for a collab project on Twitter.
Far fetched because it was just April and they’ve both released successful, individual 2020 projects of their own. While M.I released ‘Judah the EP‘ which is still doing well on streaming platforms, AQ dropped ‘God’s Engineering‘ who although is running the numbers as well too, claimed it to be his last album ever.
However, on this day April 15th, 2020 the two rappers released one of the greatest joint project work, consisting of 6 amazing tracks!
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Now, take a look at 1 year anniversary of this project and wonder, what has it achieved differently? How much impact did it make? And what are the streaming digits like?
Firstly, upon the release, they have achieved a reminiscent of Jay Electronica’s A Written Testimony, an uncredited duet album with Jay-Z, which was produced in 40 days and 40 nights.
The biblical allusion and the cultural impact of such a classic album is what the two rappers aspired to and they delivered something of similar critical impact and myth!
Also, more than the project itself, it is a legacy project in collaboration – something Nigerian Hip-Hop desperately needs.
Likewise, We’ve had joint projects where both artistes try to outdo each other, this wasn’t the case here and I feel it’s amazing! Rather than competing against each other, they complement each other.

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Accordingly, the streaming numbers are still counting, but certainly, they don’t seem too impressive. For such collaboration from two legends, many would expect good streaming numbers.
As it stands, the whole EP on Spotify hasn’t even recorded 1 million streams. The lead single Tone of the Conversation turns out to have the highest figure so far with over 33k streams.
We can all agree, rap music isn’t very much appreciated in this part of the world compared to Afrobeats. However, that doesn’t justify the low streams as they remain in their thousands.
Further, there was no single recognition or award bestowed on this project! It may not mean much because both acts are already multi-awarded, still, a show of the effort should be acknowledged.
As a matter of fact, this is not some regular body of work from some regular artiste. Also, not what you find in the everyday music world!
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In a nutshell, The Live Report EP is a remarkable but underrated body of work! More accolades to the artistry work performed by the duo as it celebrates a year!